We believe education is not only about the lessons learnt in classrooms,
but the values which remain thereafter.


Advisor - Ethos Committee

Mrs. Geetha Chandran serves as the Culture and Ethos Strategist, where she plays a pivotal role in shaping and sustaining the school's core values, principles, and overall cultural identity. With a deep understanding of educational environments and a passion for fostering inclusive, positive, and dynamic school cultures, she works closely with students, staff, and the community to ensure that the school's ethos is not just a statement but a lived experience.


The very name of our school, “Sishu Griha”, House of Children, conveys an affectionate homeliness where children are not pressurised and where love and understanding reign supreme. Age-old practices like greeting with a Namaste find resonance in the way the students greet their elders, be it the service staff or their teachers. Instead of following a strict hierarchy our school believes in dissolving boundaries, you’ll be delighted to find the students of Sishu Griha addressing their teachers as aunty - that’s the endearment we aspire for.


We also believe in remaining true to our conviction that tradition and technology go hand in hand because at Sishu Griha, a belief in our cultural heritage has not diminished with the advent of the modern age. Celebrating all major festivals and instilling in our students a sense of secularism go a long way in keeping our sacred traditions alive. Sishu Griha remains a blessed space of enlightenment, where our students can realise their true potential and blossom into confident human beings the world is proud of.

Our Song

He Jagadata Vishwa Vidhata
He sukha shanthi niketana he
Nithya akhanda anadi anantha
Purana brahma sanatana he
Prema ke sindhu deena ke bandhu
Dukkha daridra nivarana he
He Jagadata Vishwa Vidhatha
He sukha shanthi niketana he.

Our Motto

Thamasoma Jyothir Gamaya

Which is like a halo that Leads us from Darkness To Light : From Ignorance To Knowledge.