The school recognises the importance of a parent’s role in the overall development of the child. Keeping this in mind it provides guardians with ample opportunities to connect with the school and participate in enriching the child’s educational journey.

In Sishu Griha, it is compulsory for all the parents to come for observation regularly.

We have a programme called ‘house visits’ in the Montessori, in which we take the children to visit other children’s’ homes. It is a part of the ‘Social Behaviour’ activity, which helps improve the bond between the child, teacher, and parent.

We have a group of mothers called ‘room mothers’ who come and help us in the environment with activities like craftwork, music, dance, and celebrations. At the end of the year, we arrange for a get-together with our room mothers.

Graduation is celebrated twice to commemorate the crossing over of two significant academic thresholds. The first Graduation ceremony takes place to mark the child’s moving to Grade 1 and the second Graduation ceremony takes place when the child completes Grade 10. Here the children perform cultural activities and parents speak about their impressions of the school.

The Orientation Programmes that are conducted by the school for the parents on a regular basis are done keeping the best interest of the child in mind. These programmes aim at helping the child focus on academics and other aspects, from every perspective – be it assessments, the syllabus to be covered, the work expected, the management of time, maintaining a healthy relationship with all concerned and the like.
These programmes also go a long way in including the parents and involving them in their child’s development. They are made aware of the various activities that the school has planned for the overall development of their child, thereby, bridging further, the gap between the school and the parents.

Parents form an integral part of the child’s education and it is believed that meeting them at least twice a year to discuss the progress of their child, helps the child move ahead in academics. At the end of each term, the parents receive a written report of their child’s progress, which forms the basis for discussion at Parent-Teacher meetings. The dates for these are fixed during the course of the Academic Year.