Sishu Griha prides itself on successfully organising a host of cultural events throughout the academic year. These vibrant programmes help build school spirit and foster our students’ social skills and crisis management abilities.

  • Artistic craft work for a cause. A work of mindfulness

  • Merit Certificates for the year 2023-2024

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    Rewarding the quality of goodness and recognizing their efforts

  • Field trips are always looked forward to by both the students and the teachers alike. These trips are a stress buster and much required by students.

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    Ganesha Festival

  • Annual Day 2024- Yearbook Reflections

  • Graduation Day 2024 -25 - The memorable, 26th Graduation Day for the students of Grade 10

  • Students of Grade IX organized Aarohan-"Kal Chronicles" for the students of Grade X

  • We celebrated a fun-filled Children's Day at our School Carnival!

  • Our school was draped in vibrant hues of red and yellow as we celebrated 69th Kannada Rajyotsava

  • On your mark, get set and go!! Sishu Griha celebrated the Annual Sports Day 2024

  • Sishu Griha recognized as a Dynamic School in India by Education Today, Dec 10, 2024.

  • Independence Day- Day of introspection- to pause and feel gratitude for the safety and comfort of our nation

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    Teachers’ Day - With personal notes, flowers and chocolates, our children thronged our teachers

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    Morning assembly is a way of our life to thank the almighty for a new opportunity

  • Mother Tongue Celebration

  • Achievers in their own way- Inter School Sport Competitions

  • KISA Sports event is a state-level inter-school competitions among the CISCE schools within Karnataka State

  • On your mark, get set and go!! Sishu Griha celebrated the Annual Sports Day 2024

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    Anveshan - from primordial soup to modern marvel

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    Creating clay pottery and seals from the time of the Harappan civilization during one of the class 8 history class

  • Math class activity to recall scientific notation of large numbers

  • Research and Development department projects demonstrated a purposeful integration of technology and science for the betterment of the community

  • INSEF Regional Fair 2024 event was organised and held at Sishu Griha

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    Alumni Talk by Mrs Sruthi Hariharan

  • Quality Circle Time (QCT) sessions to talk about the issue students are facing, reflecting on the problems and finding a solution for it

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    The interactive session held on the 24th of September, 2024, focused on the theme of the year "Prioritizing Mental health in the workplace

  • A workshop on capacity building titled "Empower"

  • The workshop on “Space Science and Technology” was conducted by the organisation Planet Aerospace in the Senior School

  • A workshop about the origin of galaxies, the history of space, the revolution of planets and the lives of stars.

  • An enriching experience emphasizing on the importance of perseverance in the face of challenges, inspiring us to remain resilient and committed to our ideals.

  • A workshop about the origin of galaxies, the history of space, the revolution of planets and the lives of stars.

  • A visit to enhance their learning and understanding of healthcare services

  • Bird watching can deepen our connection with nature and foster a sense of preserving our environment.

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    Interact Clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self

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    Mindler Session for Grade 9, 10 & 11

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    We celebrated the World Music Day with a melody “You raise me up” written by Josh Groban

  • The whole school performed the Bastrika Pranayama

  • An interactive session by Dr. Shyama Narendranath, Senior Scientist, ISRO

  • A mono-act in Sanskrit on littering, Environment Day talk

  • Investiture Ceremony- Underscored the students’ commitment to serve their school with integrity and diligence

  • On 17th Jan, 2025, we celebrated 25 years of quizzing excellence at SishuGriha with SG Quiz Wiz.

  • The annual showcase of the clubs in Sishu Griha was a perfect collaboration of creativity and learning